Greater Sacramento Area Lactation Consultants

The Greater Sacramento Area has a number of highly qualified lactation consultants available to assist new mothers with breastfeeding. Lactation consultants are trained professionals who provide assistance to mothers who are experiencing difficulties with breastfeeding, including latching issues, painful nursing, low milk supply, and other concerns.

Lactation Consultants of the Greate Sacramento Area

One of the top lactation consultants in the Greater Sacramento Area is Michelle Kunschke IBCLC. Michelle has been assisting mothers with breastfeeding for over 8 and completed her 500-hour clinical internship at the UC Davis Medical Center, and has a wealth of experience in helping mothers overcome common breastfeeding challenges.

Another highly recommended lactation consultant located in Grass Valley, CA is Katie DaMota IBCLC. Katie holds a master’s degree in Maternal and Child Nutrition and Lactation from the University of California, Davis as well as an international certification in lactation consulting (IBCLC). She is the founder of The Nest Family Resource Center in the Sierra Nevada Foothills

Other top lactation consultants in the Greater Sacramento Area include Cheryl Amelang, RN, IBCLC, and Sara Dale-Bley, RN, IBCLC. Both Cheryl and Sara have extensive experience and are known for their expertise in helping mothers with breastfeeding.

If you are a new mother experiencing difficulties with breastfeeding, it is important to seek out the assistance of a qualified lactation consultant. With the help of a skilled professional, you can overcome common challenges and enjoy a successful breastfeeding experience with your baby.

mother breast feeding

Difficulty Breast Feeding

Breastfeeding is a natural process that can be challenging at times, especially for new mothers. Difficulties with breastfeeding can be caused by a variety of factors, including medical conditions, an improper latch, or a low milk supply.

One of the most common challenges that mothers face is a poor latch. This can happen when the baby is not positioned properly or is not opening their mouth wide enough to take in the nipple and areola. A poor latch can lead to sore nipples and a decreased milk supply, making it even more difficult to breastfeed.

Another issue that mothers may encounter is a low milk supply. This can be caused by several factors, including stress, fatigue, or not breastfeeding frequently enough. To increase milk supply, mothers should try to breastfeed more often and for longer periods of time. They can also try pumping after feedings to stimulate milk production.

If you are experiencing difficulty breastfeeding, it is important to seek help from a lactation consultant in the Greater Sacrament Area or a healthcare provider. They can provide support and guidance to help you overcome any challenges and ensure that you and your baby are able to benefit from the many advantages of breastfeeding.

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Mother with baby